Welcome to the Tasmanian Trail Running Association (TTRA). Our mission is to connect, include, support, and empower the community around trail running in Tasmania. To help grow our influence as the peak body for trail running in Tasmanian we have two membership types, individual and organisation. The following by-laws detail our individual membership type and the rules that govern it. Our second membership type is for Organisations, such as trail running event organisers, and these by-laws are communicated with only those meet the criteria. If you would like more information regarding our Organisation Membership then please email us at [email protected].

Individual Membership

Eligibility: Any natural person who participates, or has an interest in trail running in Tasmania.

There are two ways to obtain an individual membership:

If purchased independently via website/webscorer:

  • The cost for membership is $10 (plus $1.50 webscorer fee). This applies for all (no junior or family categories as membership fee is very low). The membership fee is subject to annual review.
  • Your membership starts as soon as it is purchased.
  • Membership year is for the financial year, no pro rata fee if less than 12 months.
  • A membership renewal reminder will be sent 1 week prior to end of financial year (June 30th).
  • If your membership lapses, it can be renewed at any time via the website or via participation at an organisation member event or tour where the event/tour date is within the current financial year – note, your TTRA membership formally starts on the date of the event or tour if your entry is financially valid, ie, you are still registered on the date of the event or tour and have not withdrawn or transferred. 

If you obtain membership via registration at a organisation member event or tour:

  • The member organisation covers the individual membership fee – your $10 TTRA membership fee is incorporated within the event/tour registration fee. The event/tour registration fee does not change whether you are already a member, or wish to become a member, or elect not to become a member. 
  • Your TTRA membership formally starts on the date of the event or tour if your entry is financially valid, ie, you are still registered on the date of the event or tour and have not withdrawn or transferred. 
  • Membership year is for the financial year, no pro rata fee if less than 12 months.
  • A membership renewal reminder will be sent 1 week prior to end of financial year (June 30th).
  • If your membership lapses, it can be renewed at any time via the website or via participation at an organisation member event or tour where the event/tour date is within the current financial year – note, your TTRA membership formally starts on the date of the event or tour if your entry is financially valid, ie, you are still registered on the date of the event or tour and have not withdrawn or transferred.